Innovation Center

The concept behind the Innovation Center is quite simple. Come up with simple concepts designed to improve the client's moving experience. Check out our policies below.

Green Policy & Stand for Trees

What is the Green Policy?

When you book your local move with SAE Asia, part of the boxes we will provide will be used boxes, the other part will be new boxes (average 50% used, 50% new). All boxes are reevaluated for structural quality and appearance (any box that does not pass this test is recycled).

Stand for Trees

For each move, we will donate $10 to the Stand for Trees organization. $10 dollars can prevent 1 tonne of carbon dioxide from escaping into the air.

Referral Policy

The Referral Policy pays back our loyal customers by rewarding points that can be exchanged for free volume or discounts to be used when it is time for your next move.

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